Only pay when you use it! An overdraft is a convenient credit facility linked to your account that gives you the confidence to manage your personal finances.
Only pay when you use it! An overdraft is a convenient credit facility linked to your account that gives you the confidence to manage your personal finances.
A revolving loan is a line of credit that is payable in fixed monthly installments. The product is unique in that once 15% of the loan has been repaid; you can borrow again - up to your original amount.
Only pay when you use it! An overdraft is a convenient credit facility linked to your account that gives you the confidence to manage your personal finances.
A Temporary Loan is a short-term, easy to take up loan which is available for use immediately.
Whether you are saving for a specific goal, a special event or for unforeseen expenses, FNB offers an array of products to cater for your needs. As a Premier Select client you can open up any Savings and Cash Investment Account.
Our team of bankers can facilitate advice on investment solutions to help you reach your investment goals.
There are various investment options for the long term ranging from funds, retirement annuities and endowments, access to the full range of Share Investing products and tax-free investments.